About Vanessa Forstbauer
Dr. Vanessa Forstbauer is a primary care provider practicing Naturopathic Medicine at Restorative Health and provides customized care for each individual. She has a general practice caring for everyone from pregnancy and infancy to elderly. Her approach allows individuals to tell their story and to be heard, communicating their health journey thus far and sharing their vision of where they would like to be. Through her compassion and encouragement Dr. Forstbauer creates a space where growth and healing can occur. Dr. Forstbauer considers it a privilege to earn the trust of each one of her patients and be a part of their care team. She strives to offer excellence and success through thoughtful and evidence informed approaches, caring attention, preventative measures and optimal wellness promotion.
Dr. Forstbauer provides in depth intakes, physical exams (including PAP smears and gynecological exams), orders and interprets labwork both from lifelabs and through functional lab testing. She uses all of these findings to inform her treatment plans and takes time to communicate the rationale behind decisions.
After high school graduation, Dr. Forstbauer went on to compete for the University of Victoria Vikes Women's basketball team while she completed a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Upon graduating, she followed her dreams and explored the world of medicine deciding her future would be in the field of naturopathic medicine.