About Olivia Chubey
It’s hard to have that “living your best life!” lifestyle out here in the real world, believe me, I get it! I get it because, just like you, I am a real person. Quirks, and cravings, flaws, and all. And just as I am on my personal health journey, I know that you are too. I didn’t grow up drinking green tea smoothies, going to yoga retreats or eating organic everything. I grew up in a meat and potato family, where being healthy meant not being too sick to go to school. But I do want to live my best life, and I want you to, too. (And no, I don’t mean in the Insta-famous way). It takes time, hard work, willingness but most importantly education to find and nourish your best self. This is where I come in. I help teach you the concepts. I don’t just tell you what to do. We will talk–lots, we will explore, laugh, cry and help you achieve your goals on YOUR health journey.
How did I get here? Well, as I was pursuing my education I kept learning more about how some diseases could be prevented through lifestyle changes. That meant I had a better chance of avoiding the Type II diabetes that ran in my family if I did something about it. Seeing a naturopath myself and experiencing the positive changes it had, inspired me to try to make those same positive changes in the lives of others.
I feel that a common theme in our society seems to be ‘you are not good enough’ and we approach so many things from that perspective. We work out because our bodies are not good enough, rather than because we know it is good for us. We wear makeup because we don’t believe we are pretty enough, rather than because it makes us feel good, etc. I’m here to challenge that thought and suggest that change doesn’t come from not being good enough but because we are good enough that we desire to do the best things for ourselves, because we ARE worth it.
Why might I be the best naturopathic doctor for you?? Perhaps like me, you understand that there’s something more to health than just ‘normal’ blood work. It’s a sense of self that’s hard to explain, a feeling you just have. You’re here because you want support to make changes that will benefit you. Whether you have a pre-existing medical condition with which you would like extra support, or just want to take control of your health, if you are willing to put in the work to invest in your wellbeing, so am I.