About Olga Cappuccio
You came to the right place if you want to find great health, abundant energy and good spirits, maybe lose excess weight or get rid of various ailments including those that conventional medicine cannot find the answer for you: allergies and asthma, eczema, psoriasis and acne, unexplained infertility, panic attacks, recurrent constipation and/or diarrhea and other digestive issues, diabetes, high blood pressure and many more. I strongly believe that our body is brilliantly designed for vitality and longevity. True health is a personal, achievable goal regardless of your current state of health and I look forward to helping you develop yourself and your lifestyle towards a greater experience of true health and happiness! In my approach to healing each patient I try to identify the true cause of imbalance in a person that caused your current symptoms. Then I create an individualized treatment plan for each person where I combine the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, extensive knowledge of actions of medicinal herbs, homeopathic remedies with the advances in modern alternative medicine in diet, vitamins and supplements as well as extensive laboratory testing. Take care of your health since it is your most prized possession! With the use of my naturopathic services I want you to be able to say, "I DO feel better!" My interest in naturopathic approach to medicine originated with an interest in nutrition by addressing the fact we are what we eat. The interest became a passion, after the realization that so many chronic diseases can be prevented. I have a priviledge of having both a Naturopathic doctor degree and Master of Science degree in Medicine. After four years of studying naturopathy, I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, the only accredited naturopathic medical school in Canada. Before that I completed Master of Science degree in Medicine from Memorial University (St. John's, Canada) in Molecular and Developmental Biology of Cancer research. I am originally from Russia and speak fluent English and Russian.