About Neetu Dhiman
Dr. Neetu completed a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of British Columbia with a major in Nutritional Science; she then spent four years in the Naturopathic Doctor program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Neetu is also a Certified Advanced Bowen Therapist; Board-Certified in Acupuncture; Board-Certified in Intra-Venous Therapy; and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Post, CCNM, the learning does not stop. Dr. Neetu has taken advanced training under the mentorship of, Dr. Dickson Thom, DDS, ND, who is responsible for bringing Biotherapeutic Drainage to North America. Her training also includes Dr. Thoms mentor, the late Dr. Gerard Guinot, MD, of France.
The learning still does not stop, it has simply added a layer. Dr. Neetu is currently training under Master Transformational Coach Kute Blackson, who is a world renowned, Human Potential Teacher and Visionary. In Dec 2014, Dr. Neetu traveled with 16 visionaries to Bali with Kute, to transform personal limitations and conditioning we all experience from various aspects of life. In Feb 2015, Dr. Neetu began a nine-month intensive training with Kute under his, Coach Apprentice Program. Dr. Neetu believes the more the doctor heals, the more the doctor can help others heal. This was drive and determination to further train with Kute. Dr. Neetu believes in order to be of service to her patients; in order for radical healing to take place, she herself, has to have experienced radical healing. Dr. Neetu has experienced all four levels of the Brio Living Program and is happy to report she is currently at the level of Thriving.