About Melanie MacIver
Melanie MacIver is a naturopathic doctor and local herbalist, mother, and outdoor enthusiast. Dr. MacIver practices natural medicine for the whole family and specializes in hormone balancing and immunotherapy. Dr. MacIver works with patients of all ages to achieve ideal energy, weight, immune response, and optimize aging.
Dr. MacIver is a graduate of the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (2005), and is additionally trained in bio-identical hormones, heavy metal chelation, neural therapy, and terrain homeopathy. Dr. MacIver has completed her LDA immunotherapy training and is now able to treat all types of allergy, Lyme disease, and most autoimmune diseases. She is a guest lecturer at the Boucher Institute for Naturopathic Medicine.
Dr. MacIver has created several wellness programs including autoimmune desensitization, hormone balancing for weight loss, cardiovascular health, and fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue. Her individualized programs use nutrition, herbs, detoxification, IVs, and other therapies to restore the body and emotions. She has done extensive research on the thyroid gland, and has many treatment options beyond the conventional approach.
Dr. MacIver uses many functional lab tests including heavy metals, full hormonal assessment, thyroid, adrenals, female and male hormones with metabolites, cardiovascular risk, and digestive assessments.
Dr. MacIver is currently accepting new patients.