About Maria Coulombe
Naturopathic doctors are primary care and adjunctive health care providers for people of all ages that use natural therapies to support and stimulate healing processes. Like an MD, a licensed Naturopathic doctor must have the premedical undergraduate courses before entering a four year program for Naturopathic medicine. Dr. Maria Coulombe ND, is registered with the College of naturopaths of Ontario ( CONO) and a member of Canadian association of naturopathic doctors (CAND). I am also a mother of one son and my interests include an appreciation of nature and good food. Dr. Maria Coulombe ND has a special interest in healing the gut using the 5R's. Remove offending agents that may be affecting gut health by assessing food sensitivities and digestive stool analysis if needed. Repair by incorporating supplements and foods, herbs that repair the gut lining. Reinoculating by restoring the microbiome which is often depleted by antibiotics and overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria that feed on sugar and processed foods. Finally Replace with the essential components for digestive health such as prebiotics. Not only are we as healthy as our digestion but finally Relaxing through mindfulness meditation daily to reduce stress that disrupts the bodies innate ability to assimilate our nutrition.