About Linda Kodnar
Dr. Linda Kodnar, B.Sc. (Pharm), ND, has been practicing in the health community for over 30 years. She graduated from the University of Alberta, Faculty of Pharmacy and practiced in Alberta, Ontario, and Australia.
Her personal interest in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine and homeopathy inspired her to become a Naturopathic Doctor; she graduated in 1995 from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario.
She has always encouraged a natural means to good health and has an appreciation of the benefits of both conventional and traditional healing practices.
Personalized comprehensive health programs are the goals of Dr. Kodnar's practice. She understands that healing and health is attained through many aspects and therefore programs need to be practical and effective to meet the needs of any individual's health circumstances.
Her scientific knowledge combined with years of clinical experience provides balance in selecting methods that allow for increased energy, freedom, growth and joy in life.
Dr. Kodnar established her general family practice to include her experience with infants, adolescence, flourishing adulthood, on to savoring the senior years. She has presented information to medical doctors, pharmacists, corporate groups and regularly to the general public. Her energetic and personable approach has been requested on both television and radio programs.
Dr. Kodnar is passionate about integrative medicine and its development as the basis for future health care. Her purpose is to inspire her patients to become proactive and positive. When we look to balance time between work, play, spirituality, exercise and relationships we understand our responsibilities through this process of balance. Through balance there is growth, possibility and health.
Dr. Kodnar balances her work with a variety of sports and activities, she is a certified diver, an A level squash player, loves the outdoors, hiking and time in the garden, playing the piano and painting. She has a son and family pets that provide challenges and joy.