About Kristina Fallico
Dr. Kristina Fallico is a board certified and licensed Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. She graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine completing an internship at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic with a specialty shift in Sports Medicine and an externship at the Sherbourne Health Centre. Prior to this, she completed her degree in Kinesiology at York University with Honors. She has always had a strong interest in health and physical activity starting from a young age participating in the art of dance. With over 20 years of experience in the sport, she competed for 12 years throughout Canada and the United States before becoming a dance instructor herself, training dancers from ages 4-17, in addition to working as a personal fitness instructor.
Dr. Fallico takes a strong interest in family medicine, including, Men and Women’s health concerns, pediatric care, chronic diseases, Pain management and sport injury. She utilizes all modalities of Naturopathic Medicine, including, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, clinical Nutrition and diet, IV therapy, and lifestyle counseling. Also offering cosmetic acupuncture, Dr. Fallico is able to provide a natural and non-invasive solution to anti aging and scars utilizing and combining the theories and techniques of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. This technique does not use chemicals or injections to the skin making it a safer solution while giving the skin a healthier natural look.
In addition to practicing and seeing patients, she will write articles for magazines, online health blogs and websites about trending health topics and provide seminars and health talks to patients and community organizations. Dr. Fallico was inspired to be a Naturopathic doctor, as she believes in the benefits of individualized and personal care and the healing power of nature. Furthermore, Dr. Kristina Fallico is a member in good standing of CONO (College of Naturopaths of Onario) the CAND (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors) and the OAND (Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors).
In addition to her training as a Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Kristina graduated with a Diploma in Osteopathic manipulative theory and practice at the Osteopathic College of Ontario and is in good standing with the Ontario Federation of Osteopathic practitioners (OFOP).