About Katherine Field
Let me start off by saying I love what I do. I have been passionate about medicine and health for as long as I can remember. Every home video and yearbook entry says the same thing when prompted for future aspiration: doctor.
I didn’t grow up knowing I wanted to be a Naturopathic Doctor, though. I always thought I would go on to become an MD. However, during a four month long cross canada bicycle trip to celebrate my undergraduate degree from UBC I had many hours to think and contemplate my next move regarding school and career. I realized that conventional medicine was no longer what I wanted to aspire to. So what then? Eventually the answer became clear, Naturopathic Medicine.
I graduated from UBC with a degree in Forest Sciences, which meant that I spent a lot of time studying coastal native plants and I loved it. In fact, I was very close to doing a masters degree to continue on with plant studies, but the allure of that bike trip won. When I learned that the plants I had spent countless hours studying could be used medicinally the deal was sealed, and I applied, got in and began my four year journey to becoming a Naturopathic Doctor at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM).
I worked hard in school, and was rewarded by winning the prestigious “Award for Clinical Excellence” given to the stop student clinician each year. My reasons for wanting to be a doctor have never changed. I love helping people. I love medicine. I love the science of discovery and I love the hunt for the cause. I love the philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine and truly believe in the tenant “doctor as teacher,” and that each person has the innate ability to heal given the right tools, support and guidance.
Now, after 5 years of private practice in Vancouver, BC I’m back. I grew up on Quadra Island, went to Phoenix and Carihi and couldn’t be more thrilled to be back in the place that I have always called home.
When I’m not studying or seeing patients, you can find me hiking the local mountains, taking in the beauty of Rebecca Spit, snapping amateur photographs, tinkering in the kitchen, attempting to crochet and laughing out loud with my darling husband.