About Katelyn Hunter
Dr. Kate Hunter is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practising in Toronto, Ontario, who specializes in natural healing modalities. Dr. Hunter uses Auricular & Bioenergetic Medicine to test the body to determine which organs and systems are out of balance and then re-establishes the bodys ability to self-heal and auto-regulate.
Dr. Hunters goal is to implement therapies to support the individuals body to heal the root of the manifestation of disease and not solely the symptoms.
Dr. Hunter graduated from the University of Western Ontario, where she received a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology. She went on to complete a post-graduate designation as a Naturopathic Doctor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM). Dr. Hunter is also licensed in Auricular and Bioenergetic Medicine and Fertility specific acupuncture.
In her free time, Kate is happiest enjoying the outdoors. She is an avid runner, yoga student and skier with a brief stint on the provincial team. She loves spending time with her family and friends enjoying outdoor activities, cooking and listening to classic rock and roll.
Dr. Kate Hunter, Naturopathic Doctor
My Story
At the age of 23, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. After my diagnosis and years of digestive problems, I was put on various Western Medicine drugs indefinitely to "solve" the issue.
The real issue was that my disease never got any better and I just couldn't come to terms with the philosophy behind the heavy drugs I was being put on. This mentality lead me to seek Naturopathic care, and that's when my life changed forever.
I was put on a healing program that addressed why my system was reacting the way it was. With the support of vitamins, herbs and natural remedies; my body began to reprogram and heal itself. Soon after I started seeing my Naturopathic Doctor, I went off the Western Medication that I was on and trusted in the healing powers of my own body supported by Naturopathic Medicine. I have now been Crohn's free for 6 years.
Not only do I practice what I preach, but I have also been in the patient's shoes. I have gone through a chronic disease and have seen the power to cure that Naturopathic Medicine can provide. I hope my story gives you hope and also the curiosity to try an alternative medical avenue to truly get to the root of your health issues