Dr. Joyce Johnson is the Educational Services Manager for Eastern Canada at WN Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Johnson completed her medical training at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, in Toronto. This foundation led her to begin her path as a naturopathic physician and life-long learner, educator, and advocate of natural healing. Dr. Johnson has lectured extensively across Canada to women’s health groups, athletes, pharmacists and other health professionals. Dr. Johnson is a well respected licensed naturopathic doctor who practices in Southwestern, Ontario and has a general naturopathic practice with a focus on sports nutrition, women’s health, weight loss, and pediatrics.
1. Why I Love What I Do
I love helping people improve the quality of their lives and teaching them about healthy self-care!
2. What Healthy Living Means to Me
Healthy living is a way of life for me and my family. To me, it means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and dietary habits that improve your health. We strive to eat clean, with a big focus on sustainability in our diets; that is eating mainly vegetarian and instilling a strong sense of thankfulness for where our food comes from. I also feel that sleeping well, managing stress, being physically active, having strong social connections and taking charge of your health are very important
3. What I Fill My Spare Time With
In my spare time, I love fitness, running, coaching soccer, dancing, gardening, and being active with my husband and three daughters.