About Joel Lee-Villeneuve
Dr. Joel Villeneuve, is a licensed and board-certified Naturopathic Doctor based in Ottawa who is the Founder and Clinical Director of Revivelife Clinic. She is also the author of the book Powerfoods 101 sharing her passion for nutrition, love of cooking and commitment to advancing health research. Dr. Joel Villeneuve’s pursuit of excellence, providing trusted care to her patients and motivational coaching has defined her 25+ year journey as a highly respected Naturopathic Doctor Practicing Integrative Natural Medicine.
She believes that each person’s journey to wellness is unique and that by taking time to listen the body will give us clues as to what it needs. Dr. Joel, ND strives to elevate complete health care by collaborating and referring to other health professionals including traditionally trained medical doctors.
Why I Love What I Do
Dr. Joël, ND loves life and igniting your Jump-Out-Bed energy to kickstart your day. Dr. Joël, ND is grateful that those around her and the work that she does gives her just that. She aspires to help people tap into their inner energy and bliss to become the best that they can be! Smile It’s contagious!
Living Life
In her downtime, Dr. Joël, ND can be found enjoying active family time with her husband, two sons and two dogs Lola & Roxy, skiing, biking or traveling. You can also find her whipping up a new culinary delight sparking her inner foodie, photographing or just relaxing at any of our nearby lakes!