About Joanne Day
Dr. Joanne Day has been practicing Naturopathic Medicine since 2006, after graduating from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. She has a passion for using both traditional medicine and cutting edge natural therapies to help her patients overcome their health challenges.
Dr. Day obtained her undergraduate degree in Engineering but after working as an engineer she realized that she was better suited to a job helping people. After leaving Engineering, Joanne spent a year in South America where she became interested in natural medicine after witnessing it being practiced together with conventional medicine.
Dr. Joanne Day began her journey treating pain with Regenerative Injection Therapies (Prolotherapy) after observing Dr. Trevor Hoffman. She witnessed first-hand the benefits his patients were experiencing from his treatments. Since that time, she has taken numerous courses in Prolotherapy, Lyftogt Perineural Injection Treatment, and Neural Therapy to learn as much as she can to help her patients.
Joanne lives in Lacombe, Alberta with her farmer husband and their three children. When not practicing or studying Naturopathic Medicine, Joanne enjoys skiing and camping with her family.