About George Cho
Dr. George Cho ND is Clinic Director of Pathways Lifestyle Medicine Clinics and Clinical Lead for Naturopathic and Lifestyle Medicine at Compassion Health Toronto. He is also co-founder and head naturopathic doctor of the not-for-profit Lifestyle Is Medicine which puts on lifestyle medicine retreats. Dr. Cho ND focuses on addressing health conditions using science-based lifestyle medicine. He also has a practice interest in athletic performance. He speaks widely on nutrition, lifestyle medicine, exercise/fitness, and disease reversal (join an upcoming talk here)
Dr. Cho ND has a Masters in Fitness Science from York University, is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and a member of the College of Naturopaths of Ontario, and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. He is also a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the professional association for physicians, medical professionals, health professionals, and those with professional careers devoted to advancing the mission of lifestyle medicine. Dr. Cho ND co-hosts the Lifestyle Is Medicine podcast.