About Eric Chan
Dr. Chan, ND has a practice focus on mold and infection related illness, pain management, and chronic fatigue. He has certifications in chelation therapy, acupuncture, oxidative medicine, and prescription drug authority. Because of his patient population, he has developed a strong special interest in biotoxin causes of chronic illness to help achieve health goals.
His patient population has become focused on those presenting with chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as neurological presentations with marked cognitive impairments, balance problems and problems with position sense, central nervous system hypersensitivity alongside autonomic hyperarousal, and often different pain syndromes.
He often will evaluate for, based on the history, any triggers to immune system and neurological hyper-arousal, including infections, mycotoxins (mold related illness), and environmental toxins. He also will discuss options to evaluate and try to restore balance to the excessive inflammation and CNS / autonomic hyperarousal that characterizes his patient base.
Dr. Ward, ND has an interest in using detoxification and environmental medicine in treating difficult cases, especially those presenting with multiple allergies and chemical sensitivities. Dr. Ward's practice focuses on the treatment of allergies, chemical sensitivities, women's health. Dr Ward, ND has attained certifications in chelation therapy/heavy metal detoxification, acupuncture, prescription drug authority, and oxidative medicine.