About Deborah Kennedy
I spent many years in the corporate world, helping organizations solve problems. As I climbed the corporate ladder, I realized that I had moved far away from the people that I was helping. I wanted to see the positive impact that my solutions were having and have that one-on-one understanding and a face to face interaction.
I had always worked with a naturopathic doctor for my own health concerns and I decided to return to school to study naturopathic medicine. I completed the 4 year program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, graduating in 2006 and the necessary licensing examinations. I am registered with The College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO), the regulating body for naturopathic doctors in Ontario. After graduation, I continued to work at the naturopathic college as a resident, completing a 2 year residency program, deepening my experience in patient care through supervising interns at the clinic in their care of patient. I also worked with the students helping them learn naturopathic medicine’s various treatment approaches (botanical medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, nutrition and hydrotherapy) and perfecting their skills in these approaches. Throughout my years at the naturopathic college, I was involved in various research activities, which continue to this day.
In 2009, I was presented with the opportunity to further develop my research career through a career development grant from the SickKids Foundation. I returned to school at the University of Toronto to pursue my PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. I continue to lecture and work with students at both the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and University of Toronto.
The combination of clinical practice and research, is a wonderful combination. The clinical practice of naturopathic medicine ensuring that my research is practical and directed towards those approaches that work best in practice. My treatment approach is informed by research , guided by the principles of naturopathic medicine and the wisdom of the past, using natural treatment approaches to resolve ill-health. I continue to be engaged in clinical research with Sickkids Motherisk and the Naturopathic College.
I have advanced training in environmental medicine, how genetics can influence our health, children’s mental health and treatment strategies, and advanced herbal medicines. I maintain memberships with the Canadian Associations of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) and the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PedANP) and Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for CAM Research (InCAM).
I help a wide range of individuals in my practice, from toddlers to the elderly. People come with a broad range of health concerns and issues. Naturopathic medicine is not about covering up the symptoms but uncovering why those symptoms are there. We work to identify the cause of the out of balance in the body, and develop a treatment approach to allow the body to move back into balance and end the symptoms.