About Daniel Watters
Daniel is an integrative medicine focused Naturopath who sees patients for a wide range of health issues; Allergies, Infertility, HIV/AIDS, Sports Injuries and Nutrition, Weight Loss, Mood Imbalances, etc.
Dr. Watters strives to create a personalized balanced approach to achieve the best possible outcomes for his patients. He utilizes new nutrigenomic approaches for dealing with potential unbalances, along with other holistic therapies: homotoxicology, acupuncture, botanical medicine, orthomolecular medicine, nutrition, diet and lifestyle modification, education and counselling.
Having graduated from the University of Victoria in Biology, he continued further into medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. He continues to strive to be current, forever reading journal articles and attending seminars. He currently is a peer reviewer for the Integrative Healthcare Practitioners Magazine and Journal.
Daniel teaches Chemistry and Biochemistry, Sports Nutrition and Pathology at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. His clinical research focuses are strain specific probiotics and methylation related polymorphisms.