About Chelsea Dakers
Many moons ago i was an executive assistant for successful medical doctor in Calgary. AB. i got frontline experience in working in family medicine. Booking meetings for pharmaceutical reps, building physician schedules, managing clinics, training staff, pitching aesthetics to clients for the up sell… i lost my zest for family medicine and my drive to pursue conventional medical school. i saw the system, and i didn’t see a priority on health. It was actually the MD i was working for who suggested i check out naturopathic medicine— he was an amazing mentor… My next magical milestone was an epically inspiring stint managing an integrative health clinic. i worked for a talented woman, who was a naturopathic doctor. Watching her in action, rekindled my love for medicine, health, healing and life in general. It was truly revolutionary.
There were many years of school (10 to be exact), a bachelors of science and being trained in naturopathic medicine. From Calgary to Vancouver to Lambton County… here i am and ready to be of service.
I am inspired by courage and authenticity. The influencers, mentors and role models in my life seamlessly flow as their most vibrant self, regardless of the intensity of obstacles before them. And of course, Nature— with her seasons and colours, intelligence and mystery— all epically inspiring.
I am really good at listening and noticing. By noticing i mean my ability to find connections and observe.. i give people the opportunity to share what is normally hidden. i have a keen ability to see the big picture and then zoom into the details.i meet people where they are at.