About Chantal CALAIS
I believe that our bodies are highly complex miracles of nature with an innate ability to heal themselves. I know that might sound unlikely, especially if you have been living with ongoing health problems some time. But you have surely observed how your body healed a scratch, a burn, a bone fracture, a virus or an infection.
In fact your organism works constantly to protect you, regenerate you, heal you, keep you warm and keep you cool. This perfect balance is called homeostasis. Your body is continuously fighting off viruses, bacteria, fungi and a myriad of other pathogens without you even noticing. Sometimes however, when the imbalance is greater, your organism produces symptoms that you will notice: A fever, a headache, nausea, vomiting, inflammation etc. It is crucial to understand that these symptoms are not the disease. They are your bodys best effort to re-establish homeostasis. Usually after a period of feeling unwell, you will be back to your old healthy self.