About Cassandra Connolly
Connection is the medicine I never knew I needed.
If I wanted thriving health I needed to prioritize community, but connection had been an uncomfortable thing for me in the past. Growing up overseas and moving multiple times throughout my early adult years made long-term connections seem impossible and at times scary. Why form a connection to then move a few years later?
I have since realized that sisterhood has been something I have avoided in the past.
Recently I had the realization that community does not form itself without me putting in the effort. I knew I had to put in the work to reap the benefits. Cultivating my own group of women has transformed this narrative for me. Connection was what I needed to come back to myself, to live genuinely and in alignment with my core values.
As a clinician, I often see that connection is a missing piece for many women. They have friends and family but they don’t necessarily feel supported. In my clinical experience, it is often hard to get women to face the obstacles to cure what is seriously getting in the way of thriving health. Negative self-talk, sadness, not having a support group, loneliness, self-isolation, etc. It is my experience that sisterhood is the answer.
I am tired of having limited time with my patients. I hear women describe the same core problems that I know we could have a better opportunity of understanding and fixing if we could rally together and support one another.
You deserve a curriculum that empowers you about your health and your physiology. The reclamation of your wild is through health information that connects your physiology to your intuition. You deserve access to a deeper understanding of integrative medicine, what tests provide you clarity in your health and evidence-based natural solutions that allow you to thrive.
Health care offered in a one-on-one fashion is essential for individualized care; however, after years of private practice, I can tell you that long-term health transformation is achieved when we incorporate community, not to mention it’s a lot more fun!
It is my mission to change the status quo in women’s health. One where women stand in their light, gain clarity on their purpose, take bold action in their health and in their life.