About Callum Cowan
I’m Dr. Cowan,
AKA the PHENOM DOC. I am a Board-Certified Naturopathic Doctor and Functional Medicine Practitioner and my focus is on High Performance.
I help people take their health and performance to new heights by optimizing them from the inside-out.
My first patients were Professional Athletes and I had 3-months to help them excel. This short turnaround time helped me quickly identify the key big impact strategies to vault someone towards their peak potential.
10 years later and I’ve been fortunate enough to work closely with many of the most elite in their fields. Top NHL players, UFC Champions, Olympic Gold Medalists, Elite Executives, Millionaire Entrepreneurs, and Fortune 500 Companies.
I am excited to share with you how I help people excel. My programs are a combination of the best evidence-based strategies mixed with what I’ve actually seen work to take people to new heights in their health and performance.