About Briana Lutz
I am an admirer and lifelong student of the impeccable intelligence nature has created. Driven by fierce compassion and lover of all things botanical, I infuse primary healthcare with a natural focus, valuing education, empowerment, and lasting sustainable change. Through individualized, patient-centred care, I inspire patients to live whole-heartedly.
At a young age, I answered a calling to be a physician. With an innate instinct to help people and a fascination of the human body, I thought I had my whole life figured out. After turning down the possibility of conventional medicine when it didn't fit my ideals, I felt lost. I no longer knew what I wanted to do, who I was. Then I found my true calling. Everything I had imagined a physician to be, the way I understood medicine, was actually a naturopathic physician. Slowly, and then all at once, I became this medicine.
No stranger to the Alberta prairies, I’ve got grass roots with a passion for the world. My heart, and my practice, belong in Edmonton where I am honoured to serve the community.