About Ardis Krueger
I am passionate about encouraging optimal health for the entire family. As a busy Burnaby Naturopath naturopathic physician and mother of three active children, and I understand how much we all want to have a healthy, happy family. I want to make sure that you have all the tools you need so you can achieve those health goals. I focus on prevention and the cause of illness, not simply treating symptom. I genuinely care about my patients’ well-being, and I strive to research the most effective and safest treatment. My holistic approach involves: spending time with my patients and really listening to them. Together we can create a unique individualized treatment plan. Your protocol may involve: using herbs or botanical remedies, nutrition, neural injection therapy, intravenous vitamin-mineral injections, acupuncture, and lifestyle counselling.
I am a proud local – I was born and raised in Vancouver, graduated high school from North Burnaby Secondary, and obtained a bachelors degree in Psychology from UBC. Coming from German parents, naturopathic remedies were common in my household; as was gardening, and canning our own vegetables and fruits – everything was made from scratch. I guess it’s no surprise that I was drawn to the naturopathic profession, given the natural living philosophy that had been ingrained in me since childhood.
I graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2002 and opened up a private practice that same year. I am a member in good standing with the British Columbia Naturopathic Assoc, Canadian College of Naturopathic Doctors, and the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia. My incredible patients voted, and gave me the title of ‘Favourite Naturopath’ in both the Georgia Straight and Burnaby Newsleader for the past three years! I also serve as a board member as a natural health reviewer for research ethics committees at UBC/VGH, St Paul’s Hospital, and the Cancer Agency. I regularly attend conferences in order to stay current with evidenced-based naturopathic research.
Outside the clinic, I have a rich family life and that is immersed in alternative healthy living- with my husband, Dr. Jordan Myers, who is a chiropractor, and being a mother of three young children – life is busy and full of joy! You will find us active with our children: gardening, cycling, playing tennis or shopping at farmer’s markets. We love teaching our children about the importance of natural living from knowing where food actually comes from, eating organic, being aware of our environmental footprints, getting adjusted, and staying active.
I happily welcome new patients into my practice. Schedule an appointment so we can begin working towards optimal health for you and your family.