About Amanda Ferris
Dr. Amanda Ferris, ND specializes in teaching her patients and students to develop their o
Less Fatigue!
Less Irritability!
More Productivity!
More Creativity!
AND Increase Your Ability to HEAL from chronic illness!
Whether you have a health challenge to overcome, are struggling to thrive in your work or family life, your success directly correlates to the health of your NERVOUS SYSTEM.
By this, I mean your's body's ability to adapt to stressful situations (not get overwhelmed) AND still be able to thrive mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is what makes the difference for those that heal and those that stay stuck. Your body's response to stress is everything, even if you can't change the circumstances around you.
Through training and personalized support, you will discover a
3 Step Stress Extinguishing Process that allows you to:
RECOGNIZE when your body is becoming overwhelmed by stress.
RESET your Nervous System to a focused, energized, and regulated functional state.
REPEAT techniques and skills to help you maintain an optimal state of balance.